8 February 2021

An authentic testimony that attests to the healing properties of apitoxin, the venom of the Sicilian Black Bee, when used as a therapeutic treatment


University research studies aimed at health projects, have proved that the Sicilian Black Bee and its precious venom, are fundamental to the well-being of people suffering from a variety of serious diseases.

Andrea Licari, who was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 2007, has become an authentic testimony to the healing properties of apitoxin, (the Sicilian Black Bee venom), when used as a therapeutic treatment.  Since his diagnosis, Licari has become a beekeeper, studied the world of the Sicilian Black Bee with a passion and become an expert on the importance of bee venom. His use of apitoxin on himself, has resulted in an incredible improvement in his health, because of its natural anti-inflammatory properties.

In the light of this authentic life experience, the Sicilian Black Bee is confirmed as a precious insect, which should be protected and safeguarded.  The unique species has made an important contribution in the field of health and research, thanks the use of its venom in the treatment of patients affected by multiple sclerosis. The administration of apitoxin, a natural anti-inflammatory treatment, relieves pain and provides relief, in the face of such a difficult battle of life.


