The queen


According to famous beekeepers, the Sicilian Black Bee is unsurpassed in so many ways, compared to other species. From a production point of view, it continues to be active even in the hottest periods, tolerating changes in temperature and peaks of 40°, while other species of bees stop producing.

Furthermore, it develops the brood early, between December and January, avoiding the break in the winter period, common to other species of northern bees.

Compared to other bees, who have a weaker immune system, the Sicilian Black Bee is resistant to diseases. This is because it has a greater genetic variance thanks to its African origins, which means it has a higher number of genes, which guarantee reactivity and physical resistance against infections.
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It has a very low consumption of honey compared to other bees and this allows, with the same stock, a greater probability of survival of the bee hives in periods of poor harvest.

It is perfectly able to adapt to the regional environment and plays a key role in the pollination of the Sicilian endemic flora.

It has a strong self-defense capacity, so it hardly has a tendency to loot and is approved by greenhouse growers for the pollination of protected crops, in environments such as tunnels, where large temperature changes can occur, which has no effect on these bees.

The unique evolutionary history of the Sicilian Black Bee is the reason for considering the subspecies as a genetic resource to be highly valued, by protecting it from the continuous importation of other non-endemic subspecies.

The conservation of indigenous subspecies is of great importance, not only for economic reasons, but also from the perspective of safeguarding biodiversity, since wild colonies of honey bees are close to extinction. For its history and its territoriality, the Sicilian Black Bee represents the bee par excellence which adapts to its habitat, resists and survives despite being in decline and continuously threatened by pesticides, monocultures, parasites, diseases and climate change.

The Sicilian Black Bee represents salvation, territoriality, the environment and the balance of the ecosystem. It has become a symbol of productivity and exclusivity and the purely organic honey, Nero d’Ape, is the result of its industrious work. The Sicilian Black Bee evokes the meaning of ‘nature to be protected’ and assumes the role of ‘Queen’, among the various species of bees, for its quality of work and its characteristics.

The life of bees appears as a poem, a symphony of harmonised movements, so as to seem to many as a work of art. It is ‘simply’ nature, a nature that cannot be destroyed, but which must be preserved, together with its balance and its laws.