Many national and international associations have joined green initiatives and fight for the protection of nature and the environment. They have launched awareness campaigns all over the world, aimed at communities and companies, asking for greater attention to the Planet, thus proving that the green approach now impacts on the strategic choices of various organizations and / or companies.


Associazione Allevatori A.M. Siciliana (of which Nero d’Ape is an associate)

F.A.I. Federazione Apicoltori Italiani

UNA-API Unione Nazionale Associazioni Apicoltori Italiani

Istituto Nazionale di Apicoltura It promotes and implements initiatives that increase, enhance and develop beekeeping farms and derived products.

Osservatorio nazionale del miele It carries out a monthly survey of honey production and wholesale prices, as well as publishing an annual report on production and market trends.

Apimondia Itarnational Federation of Beekeepers’ Associations

Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie